Wednesday, March 9, 2011

One week in...

Playa Concha is the main beach at SS, and on each headland there is a castle with various degrees of cannon fortifications. Would have been a tough gig raiding this place, not sure how much action it saw but i'm learning. I can tell you one thing for sure: for a small city it sure is noisy! I think the new twin towers are being built at the end of my street. The bright yellow excavators are my birds of paradise, and I can hear the rattle of their pneumatic jack hammers across the city. I was really looking forwards to a quiet day on sunday but alas......

Carnival San Sebastian!
Two days of non-stop music, floats, and dancing. I got home on saturday night and the two fenchys were going to a club with some other french crew so I tagged along. I have never seen anything like it. It was like a cross between Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and Alice in Wonderland. You see, everyone dresses up for carnival, and the range and variety of costumes was as broad and disturbing as imagination itself. And the town centre was heaving with wasted people, absolutely laying waste to the city - it was out of control! We went in to this club, down a flight of stairs, into this black lit room packed with people - it was so surreal - and this french guy leans over my shoulder and says "what everrr yu ar luking fur, yu cun find it heeeer...."
Sunday rolled around and I had a shocking hangover. I had that irritating Backstreet Boys song stuck in my head all saturday night at work. And wouldn't ya know it - as I lay asleep on Sunday morning this music starts up, loud as world war three, cuts my house in half and smacks me in the face - backstreet's back!
Thought I was in a nightmare.
At work I have been taking care of the truffle dish. Not fungus truffle, the little chocolate shenanigans that we give to guests as a little token of ap. It's called 'Ferreteria Arzak' and no it has nothing to do with ferrets. A ferreteria is where one would purchase a hammer or some nails etc. So this dish, served on a sheet of metal, features a little assortment of bits and bobs. Dark chocolate screws, white chocolate nuts coloured grey with aubergine ash, mango jellies in the shape of leggo blocks, coca cola jellies in the shape of bottle tops. It is very playful, but all their food is.
Speaking of work I had Elena asking me some questions before she left for Melbourne.
What is barramundi? fish.
Lemon myrtle? no that is not a lemon.
Do we eat the tail of kangaroo? um, noooo, but you could be the first. Ears? cheeks? offal? No. no.
She didn't get my barratuesdy joke either.
Hasta La Vista
Truffle Terminator

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