Saturday, January 15, 2011

show me your macro....

I was just playing around with my 'macro' function when I took this photo at the barrel cave today. Oh, I was at a vineyard in the neighbouring province, but I don't want to gloat. Actually, that is lie, want gloat.
No school on saturdays so our kind hosts took us to a vineyard in the del Duero region. The Rio Duero is the physical border between Spain and Portugal for the best part. We were all pretty rough this morning, last night we hit the town and displayed our national colours in all their demented glory. Arribes Del Duero is a small boutique label specialising in 'indigenous' varietals. These are Brunal, Malvasia, and Juan Garcia. I had trouble swallowing the term 'indigenous' as surely someone introduced them, so I bailed up Julio, the head viticulturist, and asked him when they dated back to. In true man-of-the-land style he simply replied "always".........
I found out later it was either mercantile Phoenicians or empirical Romans. Makes sense.
Anyway, seeings that we are VIPs, and I can assure you no expense is spared on us, Julio busted out big time with his best plonk. We're talking 2000 bottles to the batch, super prime, super juicy, super pricy - about 100 euros a pop. I could of told him not to bother; our taste buds were fried from excess, he could of poured us anything. And he did, after the white straight from the French oak barrels, after the Duero Grand, after all the good stuff, he busted out the Grappa. Oh Yeah, grappa! Not any ordinary grappa mind, but grappa blessed by the local Padre, Amen!
We left Julio to bask in our collective worship and went to another place and drank heaps more wines, filled a box with the ones we liked best and moved on to a pretty choice restaurant for a very long lunch. You could probably describe it as rural silver service. Nice linen in a relaxing shade of blue, large gold embossed plates and a whole lot of homely-ness. Best 'arroz con leche' in the district (rice pudding) and I gotta say - damn good!
We finished the day with an eco tour up the Rio Duero, fell asleep. The tour closed with tastings of local Port Blanco (more booze!) and an up close and personal introduction with an Eagle Owl. Awesome animal, huge; like a small condor. Wing span must be about 1.5 metres, talons like steak knives, beautiful camouflage pattern feathers and big, brassy, all seeing, im-gonna-mess-you-up-if-you-don't-give-me-that-piece-of-jamon eyes. I want one.
P.s I want more feedback people, more comments, more followers!

1 comment:

  1. I am impressed; after reading this I had a hangover, so can only imagine how you feel (Stomped in Spanish + imbibed liquids + cultural assault...) so now I'm hungover and jealous. Keep it up!
